Around our house, the most anticipated book of the year is 50 Canadians Who Changed the World. HarperCollins Canada will publish it in October. The author? Mais, c’est moi!
The jacket copy promises an “astonishing array of activists, humanitarians, musicians and writers, comedians, visionaries, scientists, and inventors, all of whom are transformative figures who have made an impact internationally.”
It tells us that cutting-edge Canada is the focus of the book, and that “two thirds of those celebrated here are alive and thriving today.” It even names a few names, as you can see here. Last week, I received a small number of “ARCs” or Advance Reading Copies. These are uncorrected proofs subject to amendment. Now, I am going to give away one of these advance copies. Okay, okay: it's a VERY MODEST contest. I will sign this paperback ARC and mail it to the first person who submits a winning entry.
Here’s the deal: you get one chance. You can name seven names. Five of those must be the names of figures included in the book . . . and also must NOT be among those identified at the other end of the above link.
You can enter through the comment section below, or else through Facebook, if you are an FB friend. Deadline: May 30.