Histories, Biographies, Novels
The Making of Canada (Toronto: Patrick Crean / HarperCollins Canada, coming autumn 2019)
[Shortlisted for the 2018 J.W. Dafoe Book Prize.]

50 CANADIANS WHO CHANGED THE WORLD: (Toronto: HarperCollins Canada, 329 pages, 2013).

HOW THE SCOTS INVENTED CANADA: (Toronto: HarperCollins Canada, 415 pages, 2010)

CANADA’S UNDECLARED WAR: Fighting Words from the Literary Trenches. Calgary: Detselig Enterprises, 1991, 277 pages.

LADY FRANKLIN’S REVENGE: A True Story of Ambition, Obsession and the Remaking of Arctic History (Toronto: HarperCollins Canada, Bantam/Transworld U.K., 2005, 468 pages).

FATAL PASSAGE: The Untold Story of John Rae, the Arctic Adventurer Who Discovered the Fate of Franklin (Toronto: HarperCollins Canada, Bantam/ Transworld/Bantam U.K., Carroll & Graf U.S., 2001, 328 pages)
Also: Edited and introduced new editions of The Arctic Journals of John Rae and John Rae’s Arctic Correspondence (Touchstone Editions, 2012/2014).

ANCIENT MARINER: The Amazing Adventures of Samuel Hearne, the Sailor Who Walked to the Arctic Ocean (Toronto: HarperCollins Canada, Bantam/ Transworld U.K., Carroll & Graf U.S., 2003, 334 pages).

Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 2002, 174 pages). Written with Catriona Le May Doan.
"I recall reading Going for Gold, your 2002 book about Catriona Le May Doan, to my three daughters. I have to tell you that while the book was supposed to be bedtime reading, it didn't put them to sleep. No, it set them asking questions and wanting to take speed skating lessons!"
-- Ken Cuthbertson, author of The Halifax Explosion.
CHASING SAFIYA: Calgary: Bayeux Arts, 1999, 267 pages.
"It's fresh, engaging, full of emotion and intelligence, highly
entertaining . . . . Chasing Safiya is also sui generis, which in days
of yore always was -- and still should be -- a damn good thing."