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Celtic Lightning: what happens at the Toronto launch . . . .

Our Hero and Patrick Crean. A writer and his editor. With HarperCollins  Canada, we launched Celtic Lightning last night at Ben McNally Books in Toronto. Photographer Peter Rehak took the above shot. We signed a few books (right photo: Sheena Fraser McGoogan). And (below) Havard Gould made me do it . . . ? Author and ex-publisher Douglas Gibson spoke on behalf of The Canadian National Trust for Scotland Foundation, which brought in a superb piper (Michael MacDonald) and also the Highlander Brew Company . . . and the rest is cloaked in discreet silence. What happens at the launch stays at the launch.
Ken McGoogan
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Before turning mainly to books about arctic exploration and Canadian history, Ken McGoogan worked for two decades as a journalist at major dailies in Toronto, Calgary, and Montreal. He teaches creative nonfiction writing through the University of Toronto and in the MFA program at King’s College in Halifax. Ken served as chair of the Public Lending Right Commission, has written recently for Canada’s History, Canadian Geographic, and Maclean’s, and sails with Adventure Canada as a resource historian. Based in Toronto, he has given talks and presentations across Canada, from Dawson City to Dartmouth, and in places as different as Edinburgh, Melbourne, and Hobart.